It has been 43 years of our life and mission. In that time, the vision that God gave us has continued to evolve. In 1981 we saw the establishment of Couples for Christ (CFC).
In 1993 we saw its re-founding. In 2007 we saw its restoration, now as CFC-FFL. In 2011 God gifted us with the Live Christ, Share Christ (LCSC) mission, as our participation in the Church’s work of New Evangelization.
All this has always been in accordance with God’s plan and design. God does not reveal everything at once, but journeys with us as He unfolds the totality of His plan.
Today, with the world in darkness and rampant evil, with growing paganism and apostasy, with great challenges even within our Catholic Church, God is revealing the fullness of His design for us.

Where evil abounds, grace abounds even more. In this third millennium, God has called for the New Evangelization, intended to bring renewal and revival to His Church. We are at the forefront of this call. God provides the new wine of the ever-creative Holy Sprit, But there must be a new wineskin to contain it.
In response to the Spirit's prophetic call for our community, in accordance with the evolution of God's design, in preparation for the more massive work in this third millennium, we have changed our name. Hence, our new name is Missionary Families of Christ

The Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, which came down on Jesus at his baptism (Mt 3:16), starting him off on his earthly mission. In turn, Jesus imparts the Holy Spirit to his disciples, empowering them to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
The Holy Spirit is the agent of evangelization. The Holy Spirit has called the Church to the New Evangelization. MFC recognizes that our Church is a missionary Church, and is committed to help her attain to her destiny. We do this mainly through the work of the Live Christ Share Christ (LCSC) mission.

We are families empowered by the Holy Spirit to help renew the face of the earth. We are committed to renew the family and to defend life. We are among those to be sent out on mission.
We are families that first of all belong to Christ. The outstretched arms of Christ and the slightly inward-bent hands signify both the embrace of Jesus upon the family, and also the presenting of the family to the world, being sent forth to do mission.
It is a faceless family. You become the faces of the Christian family.
The family is garbed in blue, which is the color of Mama Mary. As Missionary Families of Christ, we are part of the army of Mary.

Christ is of course at the very center of our logo. Our primary Core Value is being Centered on Christ. He is the be-all and end-all. We belong to him. We are his servants. We are in his protective embrace. We are nothing without him.
The gold ring or halo is a sacred diadem. “The plate of the sacred diadem was made of pure gold and inscribed, as on a seal engraving: ‘Sacred to the Lord.’” (Ex 39:30). It first of all represents a crown of royalty, as Jesus is the King of kings. Further, it signifies holiness, being set apart. Jesus is “the Holy One of God.” (Jn 6:69).

We too are called to holiness. We are to be transformed in Christ. We are called to be like Christ, to be another Christ. We are called to Christian perfection.
We are to "put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." (Eph 4:24). And so we have the faceless Christ. The challenge to us is to be that Christ, to be holy, to be priest, prophet, and king, to love and care for our family, and to be sent forth to do God's work.

Core Values
Our Core Values describe who we are and what we are called to do in the world.
Centered on Christ. In everything that we are and do, we look to Jesus, who is our Savior and Lord. Jesus is our model in our obedience to the Father, in our faithfulness to His call, and to total submission to His divine will. And as He who called us is holy, we ourselves will strive for holiness of life (1 Pt 1:15-16), and look to exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit in our day-to-day lives (Gal 5:22-23).
Evangelistic and missionary. We are called to proclaim the good news of Jesus to the whole world (Mk 16:15). We are his witnesses (Lk 24:48). Every MFC member is an evangelizer, in the normal day-to-day environments of our lives. We look to doing mission beyond our own environments to the very ends of the earth.
Focused on the family. Our life and mission are founded on strong families in Christ. We recognize that the future of humanity passes by way of the family. We defend and strengthen Christian marriage, we raise our children to be the next generation of God’s people, we establish our homes as pieces of Kingdom ground. In our defense of the family, we are called to strong advocacy and defense of the culture of life.
Being a community. We are part of the larger family of MFC, a global family of many different nationalities and cultures but all sharing brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ. We desire to move forward together in our life in the Lord, providing love, affirmation, friendship, support, and healing. We are committed to the good of our brethren, always living the truth in love (Eph 4:15).
Living a preferential option for the poor. We recognize Jesus’ mission to bring glad tidings to the poor (Lk 4:18). We look to both the spiritual and material upliftment of the least among our brethren. In doing so, we will be in solidarity with the poor by striving to live a simple lifestyle, to share our resources, and to fight for social justice in the world.
Exercising servant leadership. We are privileged to serve God and His people, both in and out of MFC. We serve with the mind and heart of Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served (Mt 20:28). Leaders are to serve with humility, self-sacrifice, and submission to the Chief Shepherd, to whom we will render an account (Hb 13:17). He who wishes to be great shall be the least of all (Mt 20:26-27).
Being a servant to the Church. We in MFC are an integral part of the Catholic Church. We are submitted to our bishops and to the pope. Our life, formation, and service will conform to Catholic values and ideals. We make ourselves available to be of service in the parishes and dioceses, especially in the areas of family and life. We look to Mary, the mother of the Church, as our inspiration and help.