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Holy Books

Spiritual Formation Track

At MFC, in addition to our regular Assemblies, Household Prayer Meetings, and Fellowship gatherings, we have a comprehensive 3-year Spiritual Formation Track. This program is designed to ensure that each member is aligned with and nourished by the Word of God, fostering spiritual growth and deepening our shared faith journey. 

Stained Glass
Image by Samantha Sophia

Year 1

Signing a Contract

Covenant Recollection

Exploring a Deeper Relationship with God
This session focuses on fostering a profound connection with God, rooted in a solemn covenant with Him. Participants will be guided to strengthen and deepen their spiritual relationship, embracing a more meaningful and intentional bond with the Divine.


Marriage Enrichment Retreat 1

Strengthening the Bond of Couples in Service to God
This session emphasizes the importance of the family as the fundamental unit of both society and the Church. It is designed to help couples deepen their relationship with each other while serving God, fostering a strong and unified family foundation.

Cheering Crowd

Evangelization Training

Embracing Our Core Value of Evangelism and Mission. As members of the Catholic Church, which is inherently a missionary Church, we are called to prioritize the work of evangelization as a vital aspect of our Christian duty. This annual training, conducted either at the end of each year or at the beginning of a new one, is designed for all new members of MFC to instill and reinforce this core value, preparing them for their mission within the Church.


Year 2


Marriage Enrichment Retreat 1

Strengthening the Bond of Couples in Service to God
This session emphasizes the importance of the family as the fundamental unit of both society and the Church. It is designed to help couples deepen their relationship with each other while serving God, fostering a strong and unified family foundation. If a member attended on the 1st year it can serve as a refresher

Cross Pendant

Foundations for Christian Living

A 12-Session Series on Living as a Christian in the Modern World. This comprehensive 12-session series provides guidance on how to live faithfully as a Christian in today's complex and ever-changing world. Participants will learn how to strengthen their Christian identity, navigate modern challenges, and engage in the spiritual battle that often goes unseen.


Spiritual Gifts

Exploring Spiritual Gifts in Christian Life
In this session, MFC delves deeper into the understanding of Spiritual Gifts, offering a comprehensive discussion on their significance. The session provides a broader perspective on these gifts and emphasizes their vital role in enriching our Christian life.

Hands Holding a Dove

Year 3

I Do

Marriage Enrichment Retreat 2

Sweeter on the second time around. MER 2 is highly recommended for all MFC member-couples, including those who may find certain topics less directly relevant, such as those without children. This retreat offers an invaluable opportunity for couples to both enhance their personal relationship and acquire insightful guidance on marriage and family life, particularly benefiting those in MFC leadership roles.

Hands Holding Beads

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

This session is designed to deepen MFC members' understanding of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and its significance in Christian life. It focuses on nurturing growth in Christian character, guiding members toward greater alignment with the image and likeness of God. Through this, participants will gain insights into embodying the virtues of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives.

Praying Together

Christian Personal Relationships

Fostering True Brotherhood and Sisterhood in MFC
This session provides practical guidance for MFC members on how to relate as true brothers and sisters in Christ, emphasizing love, honor, respect, and constructive correction. It also addresses and corrects societal behaviors that are contrary to Christian values.

Mother and Daughter Love

Christians and Emotions

This session aims to clearly communicate the role of emotions in a Christian's life and guide participants in integrating their emotional experiences into their overall spiritual journey.

Cheering Crowd

Living as People of God

This session aims to deepen MFC members' understanding of God's call, foster a committed Christian community, and enhance unity and order within the group. By discussing the patterns and elements of our shared life, we strive to strengthen our bonds with God and one another. Together, we work towards living out our faith more fully as His people.

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